
Staff Apps and Links


Teacher Chrometools - Securly Chrometools for managing student Chromebooks.

Google Drive - Access to your @claylocalschools Google Drive

Google Calendar - Online CLSD, CES, CHS, and Athletic calendars.

CSF Staff/Admin - View the camera feeds while inside the building.

Google Classroom - Google Classroom LMS

ProgressBook Suite - Our online gradebook system.

School Messenger Admin - Our system for mass calling/robo dialing.

Remind.com - Our system for sending texts to students, guardians, and staff.

MySC View - Treasurer system for purchasing, reimbursements, leave request forms, etc.

Smart Find Express - Online submission for sub requests and principal approvals.

PaySchool Admin - Admin system for managing PaySchools

PaySchools Central - Online access to your staff cafe and school fees system.

CES Calendar - Direct link to online CES (PS-5) Google Calendar.

PS-5 Discipline Referral - Google form online discipline referral for PS-5

6-12 Discipline Referral - Google form online discipline referral for 6-12

CKS - Clay Kiosk System, front lobby late sign in, early sign-out, and visitors.

Benelogic - Scioto Advantage insurance system.

PSW Portal - Public School Works. Online compliance, training, and reporting.

Board Docs Portal - Online CLSD Board Policy Manual

Final Forms - Online athletic forms.

LPDC - Local Professional Development Committee

Google Apps Status - Check for Google outages and issues.

Staff Text Alerts - Sign up for the staff text alert list.

CareHere - Scioto Advantage clinic website/app.


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